Opening Day Sales on GRS Vol 9, Vol 2 Paperback! 🔥

こんにちは!I hope your summer is off to a good start.

Volume 9 is done!
I am pleased to announce that I have released the FINAL volume of the KLC Graded Reading Sets, Volume 9. Please take advantage of this Opening Day Sale (30%), which will expire at the end of Wednesday, June 24, 2020 Hawaii time.

Volume 9 consists of 5,338 exercises covering KLC kanji 1901-2300. In all, it contains over 66,368 kanji—more than a quarter of the kanji in the entire series. At the sale price of 6.99 USD, that’s 95 instances of kanji practice per US cent.

If you have a chance, I would most sincerely appreciate your help with getting the word out about the Opening Weekend Sale on your favorite online forums using one of the sharing buttons. Thank you very much!!!

Vol. 2 paperback release and sale!
Sincere thanks to the many people who have requested paperback versions of the GRS series. I’m pleased to announce that I have released the second paperback of the KLC Graded Reading Sets, for Volume 2, which will also be on sale through the end of Wednesday, Hawaii time.  During this sale, the book will be sold at the Amazon-imposed minimum price for your marketplace, based on their printing and processing costs.

The paperbacks are handy for re-reading the material with a traditional book, away from distracting electronic devices. The paperback format has been optimized in various ways to offer a superior experience to reading a printout of the electronic version, and to require much less paper.

Thank you for helping spread the word, and best wishes for a productive summer of learning and growing.

Andrew Conning